CANTEX Receives Three Sales and Marketing Awards
August, 2023
The CANTEX Sales and Marketing Department recently received recognition from both IMARK and TED Magazine.
CANTEX’s Past, Present and Future of PVC Electrical video ranked in the top ten of over 300 short industry related videos in the Conduit, Wire, and Cable category at the IMARK Electrical EXPO '23 in May. The videos from IMARK suppliers and service providers were exhibited to over 3,300 individuals from member companies. Over 380,000 video sessions were completed. IMARK members were asked to rate each video (on a scale from 1 to 10) based on relevance to their customer base and sales potential. The CANTEX video ranked fourth and had more views than any of the 300 videos. This video contest was a terrific opportunity to build the CANTEX brand among the IMARK Group's electrical industry members. You can check out this video and many others on the video page on the CANTEX website
CANTEX also received the IMARK Group’s Gold Supplier Award for 2022 for “active involvement, commitment and support of IMARK Electrical and its members." IMARK programs and resources help stimulate effective business relationships between member distributors and suppliers, resulting in increased profitability and expanded market share for both.
IMARK is a member-owned marketing group made up of over 800 electrical distributors. Over 3,100 electrical distribution branch locations are served by the members of the IMARK Group.
In addition to the two awards from IMARK, TED Magazine also honored CANTEX for contributing to a major feature article entitled How Data Analytics is Transforming the Industry. In the article, the Marketing Manager for CANTEX, Jayne Wilks, along with other marketing, data, and executive professionals shared insights for handling the ever-increasing importance of data for doing business in the digital age.
“CANTEX truly appreciates these honors and all of our industry partners who help us build brand recognition, relationships and business opportunities,” said Dave Milius, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for CANTEX.